Girl Scouts learn, demonstrate painting skills

Girl Scout Troop 462 had a painting Christmas party with Jolene Peters’ Art on the Fly in the studio Homestead Coffee and Bakery in Jefferson last Saturday. The troop and leaders had a lot of fun with instructor Jolene Peters.

Members are gearing up for Cookie Time soon: Feb. 1 through March 20. The scouts encourage everyone to try the new cookie, TRIOS!Girl Scouts painting

Pictured are (front, from left) Stef Coil, Autumn Stevens, Taryyn Fisher, Kayla Strum, Kallie Fisher and Lily Richards; and (back, from left) Alannah Menz, Jolene Peters, leader Uvette Winger, Caeddance Butler, Christie Stevens, Alexis Hooper, Ilse Hooper, Kristin Wailes, Autumn Consier, Lexy Fisher and leader Jenny Fisher. Not picture is leader Andrea Wailes who took this photo. ~The Scranton Journal

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